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What is Success... *Real* Success? (Part 2 of 2)


What is Success... *Real* Success? (Part 2 of 2)

- by Tony Mase

© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

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Portrait of Wallace Wattles

Wallace D Wattles

Wallace Wattle - Personal Power 

Wallace Wattle - Science of Abundant Life

Wallace Wattle - A Powerful Life  

In Part 1 of this two-part series (What is Success... *Real*
Success? - Part 1 of 2), I shared with you the best
definition of success I've ever read.

It comes from a book titled "How to Get What You Want" by
Wallace D. Wattles.

In it he writes:

"Getting what you want is success..."

Notice, if you will, Wallace D. Wattles did *not* write:

"'Having' what you want is success..."

Wallace D. Wattles wrote:

"*Getting* what you want is success..."

The second key word in Wallace D. Wattles' definition of
success (see What is Success... *Real* Success? - Part 1 of
2 for the first) is *getting*...

*GETTING* what you want is success.

"Getting" implies being in the process of, rather than that
of having already arrived. In other words, success is a
process *not* a result.

In his writings, Wallace D. Wattles repeatedly makes the
point that the purpose of life for men and women is growth,
just as the purpose of life for trees and plants is growth.


Unlike trees and plants, which grow automatically and along
fixed lines, we can grow as we choose.

Trees and plants are limited to developing only certain
possibilities and characteristics whereas, at an absolute
minimum, we can develop any possibility and any
characteristic which is or has ever been demonstrated by any
other person anywhere.

We're formed for growth and under the constant necessity of

As a matter of fact, as Wallace D. Wattles also points out
in his writings, so strong is this constant necessity for
growth that it's absolutely essential to our happiness that
we continuously advance.

I was recently reminded of this fact after completing a
major project upon which I'd been working for months.

For many long months I'd toiled day and night putting all
the many pieces of the project together and working out
hundreds of little related details with the objective of
completing the project constantly in mind.

When the project was finally finished, instead of feeling
happy about it, as one might expect, I actually felt sort of
sad, even, for lack of a better term, mildly depressed.


Don't get me wrong...

I was certainly glad the project was finished, especially
knowing that many, many people's lives would be positively
impacted forever by its being finished.


Instead of feeling off the walls excited about it, I felt
more like I'd just lost my best friend.

I've experienced this same strange phenomenon every single
time I've ever gotten anything I really wanted whether it
was a house, a new car, more income or just completing a
major project.


Because, as I've finally come to realize, the true fun and
joy in life really come from the getting not the having.

A number of years ago, when asked why he was continuously
opening new stores when he already had so many, Ray Kroc,
the founder of McDonald's replied:

"When you're green you're growing. When you ripen you rot!"

Wallace D. Wattles once put it this way:

"Life without progress becomes unendurable, and the person
who ceases from growth must either become imbecile or
insane. The greater and more harmonious and well-rounded his
growth, the happier man will be."


If you're *getting* what *YOU* want...

Not getting what I want...

Not getting what someone else wants...

Not getting what you think you should want because someone
else has it...


You're a success.

For example...

If what you really want is to be a teacher and you're in the
process of becoming a teacher, you're a success.

On the other hand...

If what you really want is to be a teacher, but you're a
lawyer because that's what your father wanted you to be or
because that's what you thought you wanted to be because of
the money you'd earn and you're not in the process of
becoming a teacher, you're a failure, regardless of how much
money you earn, how big your home is or what kind of car you


*GETTING* what *YOU* want is success!

If you're absolutely clear about what it is you want, what
it is *you* really want, and you're in the process of
*getting* it...


You're a success, a *real* success, right now - *TODAY*!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D.


"The Personal Power Course" by Wallace D. Wattles Ten lessons in constructive science, teaching you how to use your own subconscious energies for health, prosperity and personal achievement.

Tony Mase Personal Power Course, Based On The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles



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What is Success... *Real* Success? (Part 1 of 2)
What is Success... *Real* Success? (Part 2 of 2)
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